here are two spiritual dangers in not owning a farm. One is the danger of supposing that breakfast comes from the grocery, and the other that heat comes from the furnace.
Aldo Leopold

29 August 2005

Horse Power

It is true that horses inhabit our dreams, carrying us to safety or on wild adventures. Some of our dream horses fly, others have magical powers. Whatever our dreams of horses might be, they inhabit a universe of freedom and power. They also involve a lot of work, care and sacrifice. Horses and riders achieve great heights, some in jumping, some in dressage, some on endurance rides.

Horse riders also dwell in our dreams, as rescuers, vanquishers, and villains. Or as bearers of tidings, of good or ill. Why do we ride? Why does she ride, especially? The horse persists because of her, perhaps inspite of him and his combustion engines, which I have been led to believe by a certain yeoman lawyer I may have to part with soon. So will I ride? I fear the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.


Yeoman said...

Ah, but at $3.00/gal for gasoline, the spirit may grow in strenght soon. . .

KGT (aka Cagey) said...

...the weak flesh is the problem perhaps...those saddles can leave a mark!