here are two spiritual dangers in not owning a farm. One is the danger of supposing that breakfast comes from the grocery, and the other that heat comes from the furnace.
Aldo Leopold

16 November 2008

Deer Opener (gun) 2008

An interesting 11 point buck. Just under 13 inch inside spread. My thought was that I had shot a 2 1/2 year old male who had some antler issues...he passed the 4 points on a side test, but turns out that, after DEC aging, he is only a 1 & 1/2 year old male! Shame...he would have been incredible as a 3 & 1/2. Still, a gift on a tough rainy opener, and memorable.

He will be tender and tasty.


Yeoman said...

You aren't wearing blaze orange in the photo. Isn't that required there?

KGT (aka Cagey) said...

"There is no law in New York State requiring hunters to wear hunter orange, but most do. Over 80 percent of big game hunters wear it, as well as two out of three small game hunters." From http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/9186.html

However, you may notice in the photo little patches of bright---that is a blaze orange vest that is just wrinkled and twisted in the photo.

get any Deer Yeoman?

Yeoman said...

I did get a deer, not as nice as yours however. My son and I got one late in the season, as early there were none to be found. Fun hunts.

No elk, however.

Yeoman said...

By the way, I do see the orange. I don't know how I missed it earlier.

It's required here in Wyoming.